Sunday 3 September 2017

# WHY YOU ARE NOT RICH??????????? #mutual fund #saving #awareness

                                  WHY YOU ARE NOT RICH???????????
Many people are in the world there income is high but they are not rich because lack of discipline, 
lack of knowledge about investment decision, not aware about the investment planning. Generation to generation middle men is middle men because they not take a risk.
Financial planning is bridging the gap between rich people and poor people.
Given the point below why you are not rich???????
·         SAVING - 
Many people earn much money but they don’t have saving habit of money.
Save 20% to 30% of their income. After 15 to 25 year we will have enough money to complete over desire.
·         Unwanted loan-
Create a asset not liabilities many people purchase a car by lone. Car is a asset but car value is depreciated every year. Many people think home is create a asset but residential home create a liabilities. If you taken a loan remember a think asset create a wealth not depreciate asset. If you are paying EMI you are not doing saving
·         Medical cover-
If you are not cover health insurance of your family and itself it is not good for you. your saving money collapse in medical treatment.  
·         Expenses-   Quotes of warren buffett “If buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need”. So don’t vest money for baying unnecessary thing.

    “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken”

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