Thursday 31 August 2017


                             # MUTUAL FUND # #TAX BENEFIT#
Mutual funds are trust that pools investor savings. For anybody to start a mutual fund, relevant experience in financial services is mandatory. In mutual fund two scheme are there.
·         lump sum
·         SIP (systematic investment planning).
In the mutual fund three types of fund
·         Equity fund
·         Debt fund
·         Balance fund
Equity fund Equity fund is a fund that invests in stocks
Long Term Capital Gain(more than 12 months )
Short Term Capital Gain
15%tax plus other charge(surcharge,cess)

Debt fund- Debt funds are mutual funds that invest in fixed income securities like t-bills, corporate paper, commercial paper, call money etc.
Equity fund Equity fund is a fund that invests in stocks. High risk high return.
Long Term Capital Gain  (more than 36 months )
20%with indexation benefit
Short Term Capital Gain
Profit added to income

Balance fund – balance fund is the combination of equity or debt.

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